

Akiko Minaga

She/Her | Vice President of Learning Experiences
Company: Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
Moved Here from: Berkeley, CA on August 2023
Why did you move here?

After being offered an opportunity to work at OMSI, my family and I made the leap and moved to Portland last year. OMSI does very inspiring work, and I'm so happy to be here!

What is one thing that you need/want from a community right now?

I'm always seeking new friends. I love exploring interesting third spaces, live performances, and museums. I love hearing from people what I should go experience next (it's also the nature of my job!) Special bonus ask for anyone with a kindergartener that wants to share their experiences with me of what we shouldn't miss.

What kind of civic connection are you interested in making?

I would love to meet people that are connected with and make impacts in education at all levels (school, district, city, county, state, national.) I am currently trying figure out out ways that I can make an impact from my role in regards to statewide engagement (emphasis in STEAM), digital learning and workforce development.