
Breakfast for Champions | Blueprint for Racial Equity in the Workplace and Beyond

February 4, 2022 – More than 210 people learned about a new tool called the CEO Blueprint for Racial Equity, a bold multi-year plan to meaningfully activate the private sector as a partner in achieving racial equity in the United States. Mahlet Getachew and Jocelyn Corbett from PolicyLink led participants through an interactive discussion on common pitfalls that happen when advancing racial equity and showed examples of what we can do to counteract them. They also shared standards that can be implemented as a pathway for improvement.

Many corporate leaders agree that that racial equity is a moral and economic imperative, but need tools to help them achieve it. When discussing the economic impact of racial equity, one member stated, "In the last year, we have moved to a living wage and are the only ones in our industry to do so. It is the foundation of our equity program." Ensuring that employees are paid a livable wage is crucial to advancing racial equity, but the work does not stop there. As another member proclaimed, "Urgency often leads organization to ‘react’ instead of respond. So they hurry and put out anti-racist statements but it is lip service-making organizations feel like they have done something but those within the organization see what is happening and know there is no true commitment."

Breakfast of Champions is a regular educational program for Partners in Diversity members. If you would like to become a member, please contact us or visit our membership page for more information.