Partners in Diversity Programs

Breakfast for Champions: A Deep Dive into How to Implement DEI-B in Our Organizations

BREAKFAST FOR CHAMPIONS Join us and our panel of organizational leaders as we dive into how to successfully implement diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI-B) in our organizations. We’ll break…

July 31, 2024

Say Hey!® August 2024 – Bend, Oregon

Say Hey!® is the largest multi-cultural networking event in Oregon and southwest Washington. This quarter, Partners in Diversity will be heading to Bend, Oregon at the Oregon State University -…

August 21, 2024

Lunch and Learn (Bend, Oregon) -Building Inclusive Workplaces: Strategies and Best Practices

LUNCH AND LEARN Deschutes County is one of the fastest-growing counties in the U.S. based on the 2023 Census Bureau report. Creating, fostering, and promoting inclusive workplaces is critical in…

August 22, 2024

Member Programs

Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast for Champions is a regular educational experience for member organizations to learn impactful approaches to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. It brings together human resources and diversity practitioners to network with each other and share best practices. Programming features…


CEO Forum

The idea of Partners in Diversity started more than 15 years ago when a group of CEOs and community leaders came together to create workplaces that were more diverse and inclusive. Every two years, Partners in Diversity pays homage to…


Equity Conversations

Periodically, Partners in Diversity hosts small gatherings where diversity influences from our member organizations can engage in healthy discourses on issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion and race. These are typically more informal and features open dialogue and opportunities for…


Leadership Cohorts

DIVERSITY IN LEADERSHIP Partners in Diversity offers two leadership programs, one for CEOs and one for executive leaders, who are ready to take action on their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in their organizations. WHY THIS MATTERS The…


Community Programs

Professional Resource Groups

In 2020, Partners in Diversity released a year-long workforce retention study that showed professionals of color experienced challenges in finding their community. To better support our communities, Partners in Diversity created Professional Resource Groups. They are affinity spaces designed to…



Honorees are professionals of color who moved to Oregon or southwest Washington within the past 18 months. They get introduced to the community each quarter at Say Hey!, the region’s largest multi-cultural networking event. Below are the recent Honorees. Please…


Say Hey!

Say Hey! is the largest multi-cultural networking event in the region. Each quarter, Partners in Diversity connects local businesses and community members with professionals of color who recently relocated to Oregon and southwest Washington. Recently relocated professionals of color (aka…


NW Equity Summit

The conference is focused on helping employers learn how to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. CEOs, executives, human resource professionals, diversity practitioners, managers and employees who are interested in advancing this work are encouraged to attend. The…