
Breakfast for Champions | Inclusive Interviewing

January 27, 2023

It is no secret that recruiting and hiring are lengthy and expensive processes. Individuals joining an organization have a great impact on the long-term culture and effectiveness of a team, and conversely, new employees are looking to join an organization where they will feel welcomed and empowered to leave a lasting impact. Unfortunately, this is not always how things play out. One challenge that has been identified by many companies and is often at the root of a poor candidate or employee experience is the lack of an inclusive and fair process when searching for, interviewing, and hiring candidates.

During our Breakfast for Champions: Inclusive Hiring session, award-winning DEI leader Elizabeth N. Laine walked us through five keys for developing processes that benefit both the companies looking to diversify their workforce and the diverse candidates joining these organizations. Prioritizing and investing in these recruitment and interviewing processes is the most effective way of creating a strong company culture and positive employee experience for professionals of color. “I really believe we rise or fall based on our people, and nothing we do is more important than hiring people and developing people and investing in those people inclusively, so they maximize their potential and really feel connected to a sense of purpose, meaning and belonging. At the end of the day, you bet on people and not just on strategies,” shared Elizabeth.

A big takeaway from the training was that impactful change lies in organizational change. Focusing on systems and processes rather than individual people creates an opportunity for recruiting teams to connect processes to a company’s specific values and competencies, which then allows for easier buy-in from senior leaders and a clearer path for developing effective metrics and goals. Whether your recruiting team has already developed an effective process for diversifying your workforce or you’re spearheading a much-needed overhaul of your outdated recruiting process, Elizabeth’s workshop is a perfect place to start.

Log into your member profile and visit the Resources page to view a full recording of the session or previous trainings.