
Event: 3000 Challenge PDX – Landlords Incentives for Master Leasing – Session 1

Date: April 14, 2022

Start Time: 5:30 pm

End Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Zoom Meeting

Address: 10 N Russell St PORTLAND, OR 97227

Please join the 3,000 Challenge PDX for a conversation on April 14th at 5:30 PM with a coalition of nonprofit social services providers looking to partner with landlords to alleviate our housing crisis. We will be exploring an innovative way to house people experiencing homelessness: master leasing. We will explore the benefits of master leasing for landlords and hear from landlords who are currently master leasing to nonprofit organizations. We’ll explore some possible new incentives for landlords to participate and hear directly from you your questions and ideas. We hope you will mark your calendars and join us!

Urban League of Portland

phone: 503.280.2600 | fax: 503.281.2612

10 N Russell St | Portland, OR | 97227