
Event: Blacks in Tech: Breaking into Tech: The Disconnect and the Solution

Date: February 17, 2022

Start Time: 9:00 am

End Time: 10:00 am

You’re applying to your 50th job of the week and being ghosted, again.

You felt like you aced that technical interview with that big company and you’re being ghosted, again.

Entry-level job, 3+ years of experience?..

We get it.

During this webinar, we’ll walk through the disconnect between early career talent and enterprise companies. Why you’re unable to get that first job in Tech and why these companies are unable to effectively attract, hire, onboard, engage and retain early career talent.

We’ll also talk through some practical steps that you can take to move the needle in your hunt for that first Tech job. This will include specific advice around which methodologies, tools and technologies you should be learning right now in order to increase your chances of getting hired.