
Tajahnaé Stocker

Tajahnaé/They/Them | Anti-Hunger Policy Advocate

Employer: Oregon Ranked Choice Voting

Moved Here from: Wichita, Kansas on February 2024

Why did you move here?

To gain new experiences in policy advocacy, organizing, and social movements. I learned everything I could in Wichita. I am excited to learn about the challenges and successes in Oregon policy and how to support the work of organizers and policy advocates across the state.

What is one thing that you need/want from a community right now?

Community. I moved here with my partner knowing no one. Finding people who do similar work or have similar values and who also challenge me to grow are important for my professional and personal development.

What kind of civic connection are you interested in making?

Connecting with those who have experience in food insecurity, policy advocacy, and/or organizing. Additionally, I use storytelling to mobilize and activate communities around issues that are important to them. I would love to connect with anyone who uses art, storytelling, culture in their organizing/movement work!