Community Engagement

Title: ASE Virtual End-of-Program Symposium

Start Date: August 10, 2023

Organization: Saturday Academy

Location: Portland

The Apprenticeships in Science & Engineering (ASE) program connects motivated high school students with mentors in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) pre-professional internships. The driving value behind the ASE program is that the interns should contribute to and learn from the mentor’s work.

Virtual End-of-Program Symposium

Thursday, August 10, 2023 – Zoom This online conference is ASE’s culminating event, where students give formal presentations on what they have accomplished and learned in their internships that summer. Students will also hear a keynote address from an esteemed expert in the field of health and policy journalism.

Volunteer/Staff Needs Tech Support (9:55 am – 2 pm): Each Tech Support person will be responsible for all technical aspects of one Zoom room during the Symposium.

Main duties:

  • Start the Zoom meeting using a Zoom account assigned by Saturday Academy Admit people from the waiting room Take attendance for the interns required to be in that room
  • Mute someone if they accidentally come off mute and speak over whoever is speaking
  • Remove any unanticipated Zoom disruptors Record the session
  • Communicate with ASE staff about how things are going in your room

CURRENT NEED: 8 Volunteers

Presentation Room Presiders (9:55 am – 2 pm): Each Presider will be the official facilitator (master of ceremonies if you will) for one Zoom room during the Symposium

Main duties:

  • Introduce the session
  • Introduce each speaker
  • Keep time during presentations
  • Facilitate Q&A
  • Make closing remarks at the end of the session

CURRENT NEED: 2 Volunteers