Community Engagement

Title: Financial Process Improvement Expert

Start Date: March 21, 2022

Organization: Metropolitan Family Service - Social Purpose Works

Location: Virtual

Social Purpose Works is the latest innovative program offering of Metropolitan Family Service (MFS), a Portland Oregon social service agency since 1950. MFS Social Purpose Works recruits pro bono (volunteer) professionals for nonprofit project-based opportunities in Oregon and SW Washington. Social Purpose Works is recruiting for a financial process improvement expert for Ethiopian and Eritrean Cultural and Resource Center (EECRC). EECRC is a nonprofit organization established in 2017 by volunteers to provide culturally specific services to Ethiopian, Eritrean and other African refugees and immigrants in Oregon and SW Washington. They empower their community members by promoting health through trauma-informed education and outreach. Their priorities include culturally specific youth mentoring and tutoring, language and civic literacy for parents, promoting and accessing healthcare, and providing other resources.

Project Description: EECRC recently developed its first comprehensive strategic plan. Out of this foundational work emerged the next step: to improve financial processes. They are looking for professional guidance in budgeting, planning, reporting and managing grant funds properly, tying their chart of accounts to grant (sometimes multiyear grant) requirements. They are currently using one accounting platform for bookkeeping and another for breaking down grant requirements; EECRC wants to unify these into one platform to increase efficiency, produce reports easily, and ensure compliance.

Your expertise can help them build confidence in managing these funds properly so they can deliver on programs, focus on strategic projects and take EECRC to the next level.

Key Deliverables:

  • Ensure grant requirements are coded correctly in the chart of accounts so funds and expenses are allocated properly
  • Document the above processes so staff can easily maintain
  • Unify accounting processes and platforms to track different grants and day to day expenses accurately
  • Advise on budgeting and planning -Create reports to pull frequently and document how to do it

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Finance/Accounting
  • QuickBooks and Wave
  • Documentation and Reporting
  • Passion for and ability to communicate financial information and processes
  • Data Visualization
  • Training/Coaching
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


  • Bachelors in Finance or Accounting.
  • CPA preferred.
  • Basic understanding of nonprofit revenue rules.

Resources: The Executive Director is the Project Champion. Candidate will need access to own computer, internet, etc.

Location: Work from home, meet via zoom. Option to work/meet at EECRC office depending on COVID restrictions.

Time Commitment: Small project, estimated at 50-60 hours, to be completed within 3 months of start date. Flexible hours around your schedule. This is a pro bono opportunity.

View the full project description here: