Community Engagement

Title: Join the Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents

Start Date: July 31, 2023

Organization: Oregon Patient Safety Commission

Location: Virtual

Oregon’s Task Force on Resolution of Adverse Healthcare Incidents (Task Force) is seeking new members. This is an exciting opportunity for you to get involved in your state government, and to help ensure that Oregonians have a way to resolve matters when medical care does not go as planned.

We are committed to ensuring that the Task Force represents the growing age, racial, and gender diversity of the state. This is a unique opportunity to pool our collective viewpoints, visions, and hopes for Oregon.

Upcoming Open Positions

• Public Member (available August 2023)

• Trial Lawyer (available August 2023)

Interested in applying? OPSC coordinates with the Governor’s office to fill OPSC Board and Task Force seats. Before applying, please contact us at Learn more about OPSC’s governance and open positions at