Community Engagement

Title: OPSC Board of Directors

Start Date: October 1, 2023

Organization: Oregon Patient Safety Commission

Location: Virtual

The Oregon Patient Safety Commission (OPSC) Board of Directors seeks new members. This is an exciting opportunity to get involved in your state government and encourage a culture of patient safety in Oregon. We are committed to ensuring that the OPSC Board of Directors represents the growing age, racial, and gender diversity of the state. This is a unique opportunity to pool our collective viewpoints, visions, and hopes for Oregon.

Open Positions
• Hospital Administrator (or their designee)
• Labor Representative
• Nurse
• Healthcare Consumer (this individual, or any member of their immediate family, may not provide or be involved in healthcare delivery)
• Private Purchaser (this individual, or any member of their immediate family, may not provide or be involved in healthcare delivery)

Learn more about OPSC’s governance and open positions at: Interested in applying? OPSC coordinates with the Governor’s office to fill OPSC Board and Task Force seats. Before applying, please contact us at