Community Engagement

Title: Portland Engagement Project | Your Voice is Needed

Start Date: April 10, 2023

Organization: City of Portland’s Office of Community and Civic Life

Location: Online

We Want to Hear Your Ideas

The City of Portland’s Office of Community and Civic Life is leading a multi-year reimagining of community engagement: How do you want to influence the City of Portland and our collective future?

  1. It starts with Listening. Right now, Civic Life and its partners are listening to Portlanders, data, and experts before they make any changes to the City’s engagement framework.

  2. We’ll share a Synthesis of everything we heard in July/August 2023.

  3. Starting in Fall 2023, the City will begin updating Portland’s engagement Design based on your ideas.

Sign up for a Listening Session, complete our Online Survey, or become a PEP Partner to be part of this important process!