
Breakfast for Champions | Building Racial Equity for Long-Term, Sustainable Change

January 27, 2022 – Members learned how to develop a racial equity analysis and expand organizational resiliency for long-term, sustainable change at January’s Breakfast for Champions. Julie Nelson, Senior Vice President of Programs at Race Forward, led participants through an interactive discussion on racial equity. She shared examples of actions people can take against various levels of racism, as well as a system of "choice points" designed to help participants choose a path for racial justice.

With Oregon’s everchanging landscape, it is important for organizations to stay committed to racial equity for all. As one attendee stated, "We envision an Oregon without barriers where everyone has equitable access to our democracy, available tools to achieve economic success, our state resources are efficiently used and accountable to the public, and where we honestly acknowledge our state’s history. We lead with our values and believe every voice should be heard." 

Breakfast of Champions is a regular educational program for Partners in Diversity members. If you would like to become a member, please contact us or visit our membership page for more information.