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Cultural Holidays

January 3, 2022

Happy New Year! As we enter 2022, many of us are reflecting and setting goals for the new year. I am sure some of you welcomed in the new year celebrating with loved ones while others chose not to celebrate due to personal beliefs or cultural differences such as the Lunar New Year. In accordance with the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar, the Lunar New Year will fall on February 1st this year. Cultural holidays like this are an important aspect of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Holidays typically stem from the desire to pass down knowledge and traditions to future generations. Cultural holidays such as Juneteenth celebrate change and encourage deep reflection of our country’s history; Disability Awareness Month, while also a time to reflect, inspires a call-to-action. The ways in which we honor cultural holidays vary, but their importance remains the same. 

Cultural holidays allow people to honor tradition and affirm cultural and individual beliefs. Through celebrating these differences, and common interests, we foster respect and an open mind for one another. This opportunity allows all of us to broaden our worldview and reconnect with our shared humanity. 

Celebrating cultural holidays is one of the many ways we can foster a more inclusive workplace. As a result, we create an environment where historically marginalized groups feel seen, safe, and supported. When we actively choose to celebrate our differences and find joy in our uniqueness, we push the needle a little further.