The underlying barrier identified by many participants is the perception that Portland, Oregon, is a progressive and liberal place. There was a strong sentiment that people in the region consider themselves to have egalitarian self-concepts, yet engage in behaviors that disenfranchise or alienate people of color. People refer to this phenomenon as “Portland nice.” Many who move to the area described the discrepancy between perception and reality as “shocking.”
What is “Portland nice?” It is the smiles you see in stores and restaurants, the way drivers let you into the lane, the let’s-get-along attitude, and the general politeness of the area. When it comes to race, however, it is all a veneer that prevents people from acknowledging or recognizing racist practices, because doing so wouldn’t be “polite.” People may also assume that, as Portland residents, they cannot possibly engage in racist behaviors because they consider themselves to be progressive, thus curtailing true efforts at self-reflection and change.
Only one percent felt included in the community, while 97 percent reported some form of discrimination in their community. The following quotes highlights the collective feelings of many survey participants:
Another concern was the inability to complete basic life necessities. Respondents commonly expressed dismay at the lack of culturally-competent barbershops, salons, restaurants/bars, grocery stores, dance events (e.g., hip-hop, salsa), and other activities that typically contribute to a sense of community and belonging in other areas. The difficulties in finding close social connections also yielded to concerns about dating and finding partners who they can settled down with and stay, as well as concerns about raising children in the region.
One participant summed up why that matters to employers. “As a Black woman, it is impossible to live here. It is almost impossible to date here. It seems like a personal issue, but it becomes a professional one. I can’t socialize with my coworkers or even want to stay at my job when I have no personal life… it affects retention drastically.”
Reported some form of discrimination in their community
Agreed or strongly agreed that they felt included in their community
Agreed or strongly agreed they felt comfortable in restaurants, stores & public places
Felt that people consider themselves to be more tolerant that they actually are
The Workforce Diversity Retention Project revealed that a lack social and cultural connections prompted many professionals of color to leave the area. Researchers at Martinez Organizational Consulting suggested this is somewhat of a “chicken-or-egg” problem such that low presentation of people of color makes it difficult to find and recruit more in the region.
When it comes to creating a welcoming environment for people of color, employers need to think holistically and not just in the silo of a workplace. Organizations can partner with local groups to help provide outside avenues for employees to make meaningful social connections and invest in community resources.
Below are some solutions that address the issues of community connections and support for individual people of color.
Download documents:
Community solution sheet (pdf)
Individual solution sheet (pdf)
Full solution sheets(pdf)